Monday, June 2, 2008

Look, Ma! I'm a real reporter!

I got a job with the Rome News-Tribune, the local paper in my town. I'm so excited; I feel like a real, honest-to-goodness newspaper woman. It'll definitely be a lot different working for a daily newspaper, unlike The Cluster (the student newspaper of Mercer University, of which I am the Editor In Chief) which is a biweekly publication. I have to arrive on the job in a mere 10 hours, so I should probably get some sleep. I'll definitely keep you (meaning cyberspace, since I haven't told anyone about this here blog thingy) updated on my adventures in the newsroom.

In other news, I'm planning on shooting a movie with my friends Molly and Emma Hatch. Molly wrote a screenplay for one of classes at SCAD, and let me tell you, it's a real gem. I won't give away any of the tantalizing plot details, but you should know that it involves a talking apple, Jesus, and Bonnie Tyler's 80's hit "Total Eclipse of the Heart." Yeah, it's that good.


Carol said...

Congratulations on the job! That's very impressive.

Lillian Shaw said...
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Lillian Shaw said...

Good grief. And I thought I hadn't told anyone yet! I guess I need to learn more about blogs, links, sitemeter, etc.

Thanks, Aunt Carol. I did develop the film myself. It's time consuming, but so fun!

Terrell said...

Excellent article and a byline (ABOVE THE FOLD) on page one this morning! Congratualtions!

Joan said...

I loved seeing and reading your article in the hometown rag! Your B&W photography is extremely eyecatching and artistic.