I didn't realize this little tidbit of information and thought that no one knew about this blog yet. Silly me. This is a lesson many people should learn about the internet: someone aaaaaalways knoooows. Dum, dum, dummm.
Well, now that you know, Welcome!
If you (like someone I know) are confused about the name, LilyPutty is supposed to bring to mind that wonderful, sticky, gooey, play-doughy concoction Silly Putty.

I should be getting ready for my new job as ace reporter (read: intern) for the local newspaper. In case you haven't heard the big news, old people did stuff at Berry College. I was on the scene to investigate.
I thought of Silly Putty immediately which is why I like the name of your blog so much.
See - you linked to me again - so here I am! lol!
I'm sorry if you wanted to keep your blog a secret. Guess I should have kept my mouth shut - or my typing finger still.
Love the name, love the look, love your blog!!
Love you!
Don't worry, it's wasn't a secret. I was taking my time contemplating whether Dad would be offended by my joke in the first post. :)
I love you, too, Mom!
I thought at first that your blog name pointed to Lilliput from Gulliver's Travels; but I love the connection to Silly Putty, and the blog looks great!
I am jealous of how you already know how link things and apparently don't have troubles with your profile picture.
Oh, and how you are already His Girl Friday and I'm still a member of the Babysitters Club.
You should get one of those profile view counter things so you can be unnerved by how much I visit!
By the way - just to keep you informed - people not only know when you link to their blogs, but if they have a sitemeter installed on their website, they know when you visit their website, how long you stay, which pages you vist, your ISP, what kind of computer you use, where you live, etc. It's rather scary, actually.
Whoa, that IS scary. I shall blog with caution in the future. :)
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